The Difference Between Policy and Law
Apparently, the current Administration isn’t aware that they are two separate things. The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama
Obama Fiddles….
Russia, the Middle East, and lack of leadership from the White House. While Russia Arms Assad
Worse to Deport than to Abort?
Can a president ever really be pro-choice and pro-child? Read Women and Children First to find out why not.
The Big Fail
A great resource of the facts and figures of the Obama Presidency. All info is sourced, check it out for yourself. Obama by the Numbers
Now What?
So the Supreme Court let us down. A quick look at the only solution to the looming healthcare disaster. Legislative Rx for ObamaCare
On July 4,
A holiday plea to please, please Remember We Are Not French
New Gear
A new site for Conservative posters. Includes pro-life messages and quotes from founding fathers and conservative icons.