“You Will Pay for That”
Rep. Gohmert gives House speech hammering the President for snubbing our allies and appearing weak to our enemies. While lacking the glitz of a campaign stump speech, the Congressman’s words give us a rare glimpse of one of our politicians dropping the politically correct language and saying what he believes.
Israel Out, Iran In
Why has the President continued to reach out gently to Iran while our ally is being cast aside? The Abandonment
Media Hypocrisy
After the attacks on Libya and Egypt, the media jumped on Romney for making a public statement of support for our men overseas and condemning our attackers. But was he really the one politicizing this tragedy? Wait, Who’s Political?
Libya, the Anti-Iraq
Libya, not Iraq, ought to be remembered as the great foreign policy disaster of the last decade. Libyans Commemorate 9/11
Sandra Fluke – Face of a Nation?
What does the elevation of someone like Ms. Fluke say about the population of our country? A Nation of Sandra Flukes
Pittsburgh’s “Second Bill of Rights”
Apparently spending $20,000 per city student and getting nothing in return wasn’t enough for Pittsburgh City Council. Now, they want to spread their terrible ideas for city planning by demanding that the federal government adopt their proposed “second Bill of Rights.” Council is Off Its Rocker
A Change of Heart
Mike Adams made the mistake of thinking like a liberal four years ago in an article he wrote about the best way to spread the pro-life message. In this two-part piece he explains why he was wrong and the importance of having a consistent, exception-free, message Problems Solutions and Trade-offs and Part Two